Up to 9 Conference Rooms can be set up, letting up to 6 parties converse when using a IPECS. When setting up a Conference Room, a password can be designated for invited parties (internal and external parties) to use for accessing the established Conference Room. 

To set-up a Conference Room:

• Press the TRANS/PGM button,

• Dial 53 to create a Conference Room,

• Dial the desired Conference Room number (1-9),

• If desired enter a password for the Conference Room (up to 12


• Press HOLD/SAVE to establish the Room.


To join a Conference Room:

• Press the TRANS/PGM button,

• Dial 59 (Conference Room entry code),

• Dial the Conference Room Number,

• Dial the Conference Room password.


To delete a Conference Room:

• Press the TRANS/PGM button,

• Dial 54 (delete Conference Room code),

• Dial the Conference Room number (1-9),

• Dial the Conference Room password,

• Press HOLD/SAVE to delete the Conference Room.